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Logo Active Playground Rennbahnweg
Logo Wohnpartner
Logo Youth Center at Rennbahnweg
Logo New Middle School Mira-Lobe-Weg
Logo elementary school Mira-Lobe-Weg
Logo Institute for Experiential Education
Logo Casa Kagrana
Logo Wienextra
Logo Zoom Children's Museum
Logo Walk with us
Logo KiJuNetz
Logo Vienna Relief Organization

The ASP is located on

RENNBAHNWEG 29, 1220 Vienna


Opening hours:

Tuesday - Friday

2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Reachable by phone at

+43 699 11041993

+43 660 1104198

+43 660 1104197

Mail please to

Logo Institute for Experiential Education

©2020 Institut für Erlebnispädagogik und Outdooraktivitäten - IFEP


imprint & data privacy

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