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During school semesters, excursions are offered on weekends about twice a month. During the holidays there are spontaneous excursions during our opening hours. The excursion destinations are often based on the wishes of the children and young people. The fee for participation is 2 €, with the free ASP card even only 1 €.

The excursions on the weekends are announced in the weekly schedule. The spontaneous excursions will be clarified by telephone with the parents of the participants.

The ASP is located on

RENNBAHNWEG 29, 1220 Vienna


Opening hours:

Tuesday - Friday

2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Reachable by phone at

+43 699 11041993

+43 660 1104198

+43 660 1104197

Mail please to

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